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How To Secure A Cat Carrier In Car? 5 Easy Steps

Are you having trouble trying to secure a cat carrier in a car? If so, you are not alone. In fact, there are plenty of people who have been in the same position as you!

However, your will be glad to know that there are a number of ways you can safely secure a cat carrier in the car.

If you have never done this before, it may be a difficult process at first, but if you follow the tips below and with some practice, you’ll be able to secure the crate in the car with no problems.

5 Easy Steps To Secure A Cat Carrier In Car

If you had a dog we would say the car truck would be the safest place to secure the carrier. However, with a cat, we strongly recommend the rear seats!

Mainly because cats are very nervy when it comes to traveling in a car and having them in the trunk alone could make things worse.

Take Note: By having your cat on the rear seats your be able to see each other which will help reduce any stress that your cat may have!

  • When securing the carrier on the rear seats it’s best to have your cat inside when you do this. Now, depending on what carrier you have, most can be secured using the car seatbelts!
  • You can either thread the seat belts through the top handle or use the shoulder handle and loop it over the rear headrest. “But again” this all depends on what type of carrier you have!

Steps To Follow:

  1. Put Your Cat Inside The Carrier
  2. Place Carrier On The Rear Seats
  3. Thread the SeatBelt Through Top Handle
  4. Thread The SeatBelt Through Loop Holes
  5. Lock The Seatbelt Into Position

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2. Front Footwell

Using the front passenger side footwell is another option. But, this method only works if your cat carrier does not obstruct the passenger’s airbag!

When securing the carrier in the front footwell always make sure there is no risk of injury for yourself or anyone else traveling with you.

This option is only suitable for small carriers, and it’s best if it has a top opening and no side doors!

  • To secure the carrier is very simple and is done using the front passenger side seat! To start with you will need to move the seat back in order to place the carrier in the footwell.
  • Once the carrier is in the footwell, gently move the seat forward until the carrier is secure! The seat basically stops the carrier from moving while the car is in motion.
  • You can put your cat inside the carrier afterward if you prefer but this is where you need one that has a top opening as you won’t be able to gain access to the side doors once the carrier is in the footwell.

Steps To Follow:

  1. Move Passenger Seat Back Position
  2. Put Your Cat Inside Carrier Or Afterwards
  3. Place The Carrier In The Front Footwell
  4. Very Gently Move Seat In To Position
  5. Double Check Seat & Carrier Is Secure

3. Rear Footwell

This method is very similar to the front footwells, and as before, it’s best to use carriers that have a top opening. Like the front footwell, you will need a small carrier that can sit in the rear footwell otherwise this may not work.

  • Securing the carrier in this position is very simple and similar to the front footwell but in reverse. All you will need is to move your car passenger seat forwards instead of backward until there is enough room for the carrier.
  • Once the carrier is in place gently move the passenger seatback back until the cat carrier is secure! What’s good about this method is a friend or family member can ride in the back with your cat if they are a bit nervous.

Steps To Follow:

  1. Move Passenger Seat Forwards
  2. Put Your Cat Inside Carrier Or Afterwards
  3. Place The Carrier In The Rear Footwell
  4. Very Gently Move Seat Back Into Position
  5. Make Sure Seat & Carrier Is Secure

4. Car Trunk

Before securing your cat carrier in the car is using the truck there are some things you should know before using this option. Firstly, the truck can get very hot in the summer season which can make your cat very uncomfortable.

Secondly, make sure that there is no loud music playing (trunks can act as a bass bin for music that can hurt your cat’s ears) so it’s best to turn the radio off while driving with your cat.

The only downside to using the truck is it you won’t be able to see your cat since they are in the boot. Unless you lay the rear seat down.

Take Note: If you do secure the cat carrier in the trunk Just remember to provide plenty of ventilation and turn the radio off when driving to keep your cat safe!

  • When securing the cat carrier in the truck you want to use bungle cables this will stop the carrier from moving. But if the carrier is big enough you won’t need them.
  • To start you need to attach the cables to either side of the carrier and then secure them into secure rings located in the truck most models have these attachments! seen in the photo!

Step To Follow:

  1. Place The Cat Carrier In The Trunk
  2. Attach Bungy Cables Each Side Of Carrier
  3. Then Attach Them To The Secure Rings
  4. Remove The Top Self (If Possible)
  5. Make Sure There’s Plenty Of Air Circulation

5. Bungy Cables

So now that we have covered all the locations where you can secure a cat carrier in the car we wanted to leave this final part for the people who have never heard of or used bungee cables before.

Bungee cables can tie down almost anything and are often used in the back of trucks to hold down construction equipment or even furniture.

The good news is that bungee cables can be bought at most electronic stores, hardware stores, and Amazon.com!

Just make sure they’re strong enough to handle your cat carrier otherwise it may snap causing harm to yourself, passengers, and pets inside the car.

Since we have already talked about how you can use bungee cables in the boot in this part we will show you how to use them in the rear seats.

  • You will need to adjust the rear headrest slightly so you can attach the cable to the metal pole which you see when you lift up the headrest.
  • Then all you need to do is attach the other end of the cables to the cat carrier. Make sure the cables are tight and the carrier can’t move before driving off.

Steps To Follow:

  1. First Put Your Cat In The Carrier
  2. Then Place The Carrier On The Rear Seats
  3. Attach One Cable Each Side Of The Carrier
  4. Adjust The Rear Headrest Upwards Slightly
  5. Then Attach The Bungee Cables

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Never Place The Cat Carrier On The Pasenger Seat

You may be wondering why we haven’t mentioned placing the carrier on the passenger’s seat! Well, there’s a good reason for this and that’s the “passenger’s airbag”.

Take Note: If you place the cat carrier on the passenger seat and there is a collision then the airbag will go off which can cause damage to the carrier or worse injury to your cat!

Make sure you always place the cat carrier on either the rear seats, footwells, or if in the trunk, mentioned above, as these are the safe areas for your cat without risk of injury from an accident.

To show you exactly how to secure a cat carrier on the rear seats using the seatbelts here is a video below that can show you in more detail.

Why Cats Need To Be Secured In The Car?

It’s very important to secure your cat in a car for several reasons, first off, as already mentioned cats are territorial and as soon as they see a chance to bolt they will.

  • Cats are clever and they can easily escape from a poorly fastened carrier which could lead to injury or even death if you’re on the highway!
  • Another reason is you don’t want your cat to be thrown around inside the car! If there is sudden braking this can cause serious injuries to your cat or worse.

This is why it’s important to keep your cat safe and make sure they are secure at all times during travel.

Its The Law

In some counties, it is the law to have your pet restrained while in a car or moving vehicle. It is up to you to check your state laws before doing so as it could result in a fine or worse if an accident were to happen!

The driver is fully responsible if there was an accident due to having an unrestrained pet in the car For example, in places like the United Kingdom, Rule 57 of the Highway Code states that it’s the law to have your pet restrained while traveling in a car!

So make sure you check your state laws before doing so as it’s the law to keep them secure! There are many ways you can do this such as harnesses and seat belts but we will talk about that another time.

If you’re not sure what to do check with your local law enforcement officials for more information. This aside, always follow the guidelines mentioned in this article and keep both yourself and your cat safe while traveling together!


So now you know how to secure a cat carrier in the car! Just keep these guidelines in mind while traveling with your cat and always do your best to ensure they’re safe, secure, and comfortable when out on the road.

Remember safety should be your number one priority at all times during travel. Don’t forget to check out our articles for more tips and tricks about how to make your journey with your pet a safe one.

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